
The Journey

I call it the  journey as it is indeed the road I traveled to the point of self discovery.Forty years later, and  have just started to know myself, to understand me better, to know my purpose. All the time it was about the norm, the culture, the religion, the belief system that was implanted for the past 40 years. This became a part of me, my identity,the person I am supposed to be around my people.You begin to know yourself when you know what you are not supposed to be. Dimakatso was created or sent into this world for a different purpose as opposed to what she has been doing all the time.I cannot begin to describe the danger of one  living outside their purpose for the sake "fitting" in- a meaningless life full of despair. I strongly believe in the power of words - there is power in our mouths. Words have the power to change lives. They can pierce a heart deep like a two -edged sword, turn it around and go back with a guarantee  that change is bound to happen. Hen...